Account Assistance

If you have forgotten your password, you can enter your user name below. Then answer two of the security questions you entered when you first accessed your account. You will receive an e-mail with a new password that you can use to access the system and reset your password.

If you have forgotten your user name, please submit an issue and an administrator will assist you.

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If you are a Damage Control Agent and trying to submit your quarterly reports, you no longer have to log into PAWS to do so. We have moved to a new system for the collection of WDCA reports, the new Reporting & Survey System (RSS). This system does not require a password – you will login with just your Last Name and WRC Customer # or WDCA #.

Please use this link to access the new system:

Once you have logged in using the link above, you'll see a list of all permit reports that you currently have due. You can now access up to 1 years' worth of reporting quarters. Just click one of the quarterly reports to get started with the reporting process.

If you need additional assistance or would like to provide feedback on the new system (good or bad), please contact the Regulated Activities Permit Section at 919-707-0061 or send us an email at ''.

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